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Learn how to hit the spectacular stinger!

Posted byBy Baden Schaff

Zac Radford has become synonymous with hitting perhaps the most captivating shots in golf. He has amassed hundreds of thousands of followers on social media hitting stingers in visually spectacular locations.

Tiger Woods made the shot famous earlier in his career when he began hitting these incredibly low piercing shots when he wanted both accuracy and distance. Since then golfers have wondered how he does it.

Lucky for you we have teamed up with Zac to show you exactly how. In this video he gives you the five key factors required to execute this shot perfectly and impress your playing partners. There are 5 key elements you need to consider.

  1. Ball position
  2. Attack angle
  3. Tension
  4. Swing direction
  5. The follow thru

Be sure to watch the vid below to get all the details on each element!

To celebrate this partnership we are giving you the opportunity to learn personally from Zac on Skillest. All you need to do is enter the competition below to have a chance to win a customised online golf lesson from the man himself. You won’t want to miss out!

So enter the competition here and watch this awesome video below! Or you can head straight to Zac Radford’s Skillest golf coaching profile!

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