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John Montgomery student swing analysis

Posted byBy Baden Schaff

John Mongomery is on the rise. After being voted one of the top young coaches in Golf Digest Magazine he was soon after featuring in the magazine with his own column. He has also just completed filming “Swing Expedition” with Chris Como for the Golf Channel, so stay tuned for that episode. 

But the thing he is the most passionate about is helping “passionate amateurs” who are keen students, great listeners and process orientated. He has become one of the most in demand golf coaches on Skillest and has given over 1000 lessons to date.

In this swing analysis we look at a student he has been working with since February. This student really struggled with thin and fat shots and couldn’t release the club properly. John talks about how they used his leg action to change all of that. 

If you want to get an online golf lesson from John on Skillest you can head straight to his profile here

If you want to read his most recent Golf Digest article you can do it here.

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